Ultimate Presuposition: Bible is the word of God (the truth itself).
Pada saat manusia membangun rumah ini bisa dikatakan process creation-nya manusia.
Question: Apa perbedaan men’s creation and God’s creation?
Memang ketetapan Allah sangatlah sulit dimengerti oleh manusia, termasuk juga kita sebagai anak-anakNya. Namun kita syukuri karena hampir semua perwujudan ketetapanNya nampak nyata bagi kita dalam keberadaan segala sesuatu di dunia ini. Satu pertanyaan yang tidak akan pernah bisa diselesaikan oleh ilmu pengetahuan belaka adalah ‘apa sih asal mula keberadaan sesuatu’? Pada akhirnya, manusia tidak akan bisa mengelak bahwa memang ada satu kuasa yang menciptakan keradaan sesuatu tersebut. Dalam Alkitab, kata ‘menciptakan’ berasal dari bahasa asli ‘bara’ atau ‘creatio ex nihilo’, yakni menciptakan dari yang tidak ada. Disinilah letak perbedaan creation dr manusia dan Tuhan as God create something out of nothing. (Hebrew 11: 33 – Karena iman kita mengerti, bahwa alam semesta telah dijadikan Allah, sehingga apa yang kita lihat telah terjadi dari apa yang tidak kita lihat. ; kemudian dari Mazmur 33:9 – Sebab Dia berfirman maka semuanya jadi. Dia memberi perintah, maka semuanya ada.)
Hal kedua, kita melihat process membangun manusia adalah suatu process yang time-consuming. Tetapi Tuhan seperti dikatakan dalan 2 Peter 3:8 - ... one day is ... as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.) Jadi dari sini kita percaya dgn the authority of Bible bahwa Tuhan menciptakan universe didalam kurun waktu 6 hari (harafiah). Westminster mengatakan seringkali modern science membawa manusia kepandangan yang berbeda which is very very powerful today.
“According to the theory of evolution, the world (or universe) as we now see it, is the result of a very slow and steady development. And people who believe that God created the world in a short space of six days are usually considered foolish. But the bible itself remind us, ‘Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God’ (Heb 11:3). If we try to understand how the world came to be what it is, through our own human wisdom, it is natural that we should follow the path of unbelieving science. We do not see a tree growing up in one day. We do not see men created as adults (as Adam and Eve were.). And so, because it takes time now for trees to grown up, and for people to grow, we may find it hard to imagine that such things could happen all at once. But when we begin to reason this way, we really are doing is this: We are making the mistake of thinking that God was – in the work of creation – subject to limitations that we ourselves experience. The truth is that there is no good reason to think this way. If we think more accurately (that is biblically), we will understand that time is not something that was “already there” when God began to create. Time does not have independent existence. Only God exist with out being created. And time too is a created thing. It was not just “there” when God began to create the world”.
Scientist observes bagaimana sesuatu terjadi melalui observasi2/tanda2 yang terjadi sekarang ini bahwa segala sesuatu membutuhkan proses, dan kemudian mereka mengkonklusikan bahwa inilah cara satu2nya segala sesuatu terjadi – melalui proses. Tapi basic dari christianity faith adalah Bible is the ultimate truth because it is the word of God. Ambil contoh peristiwa di cana pada saat Tuhan Yesus mengubah air menjadi anggur secara instant – tidak butuh proses. This is a true indication of God’s power in creation. If the lord could create wine in an instant, why should we not believe also that He created the universe in six days?.
Pada saat manusia membangun rumah ini bisa dikatakan process creation-nya manusia.
Question: Apa perbedaan men’s creation and God’s creation?
Memang ketetapan Allah sangatlah sulit dimengerti oleh manusia, termasuk juga kita sebagai anak-anakNya. Namun kita syukuri karena hampir semua perwujudan ketetapanNya nampak nyata bagi kita dalam keberadaan segala sesuatu di dunia ini. Satu pertanyaan yang tidak akan pernah bisa diselesaikan oleh ilmu pengetahuan belaka adalah ‘apa sih asal mula keberadaan sesuatu’? Pada akhirnya, manusia tidak akan bisa mengelak bahwa memang ada satu kuasa yang menciptakan keradaan sesuatu tersebut. Dalam Alkitab, kata ‘menciptakan’ berasal dari bahasa asli ‘bara’ atau ‘creatio ex nihilo’, yakni menciptakan dari yang tidak ada. Disinilah letak perbedaan creation dr manusia dan Tuhan as God create something out of nothing. (Hebrew 11: 33 – Karena iman kita mengerti, bahwa alam semesta telah dijadikan Allah, sehingga apa yang kita lihat telah terjadi dari apa yang tidak kita lihat. ; kemudian dari Mazmur 33:9 – Sebab Dia berfirman maka semuanya jadi. Dia memberi perintah, maka semuanya ada.)
Hal kedua, kita melihat process membangun manusia adalah suatu process yang time-consuming. Tetapi Tuhan seperti dikatakan dalan 2 Peter 3:8 - ... one day is ... as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.) Jadi dari sini kita percaya dgn the authority of Bible bahwa Tuhan menciptakan universe didalam kurun waktu 6 hari (harafiah). Westminster mengatakan seringkali modern science membawa manusia kepandangan yang berbeda which is very very powerful today.
“According to the theory of evolution, the world (or universe) as we now see it, is the result of a very slow and steady development. And people who believe that God created the world in a short space of six days are usually considered foolish. But the bible itself remind us, ‘Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God’ (Heb 11:3). If we try to understand how the world came to be what it is, through our own human wisdom, it is natural that we should follow the path of unbelieving science. We do not see a tree growing up in one day. We do not see men created as adults (as Adam and Eve were.). And so, because it takes time now for trees to grown up, and for people to grow, we may find it hard to imagine that such things could happen all at once. But when we begin to reason this way, we really are doing is this: We are making the mistake of thinking that God was – in the work of creation – subject to limitations that we ourselves experience. The truth is that there is no good reason to think this way. If we think more accurately (that is biblically), we will understand that time is not something that was “already there” when God began to create. Time does not have independent existence. Only God exist with out being created. And time too is a created thing. It was not just “there” when God began to create the world”.
Scientist observes bagaimana sesuatu terjadi melalui observasi2/tanda2 yang terjadi sekarang ini bahwa segala sesuatu membutuhkan proses, dan kemudian mereka mengkonklusikan bahwa inilah cara satu2nya segala sesuatu terjadi – melalui proses. Tapi basic dari christianity faith adalah Bible is the ultimate truth because it is the word of God. Ambil contoh peristiwa di cana pada saat Tuhan Yesus mengubah air menjadi anggur secara instant – tidak butuh proses. This is a true indication of God’s power in creation. If the lord could create wine in an instant, why should we not believe also that He created the universe in six days?.