TRUTH or Lies

What is Truth? How do we know it is the Truth? Are we sure that what we believe as a truth is really the TRUTH? Have a look on this short film below that i found on the internet, before we explore more on this.

Is He Laughing or not?

Apologies beforehand for such an inappropriate word in the clip - but i hope you get the message.
So what is the truth in the video above? Is the truth is more on the outside or what's inside?
Here is the power point slide that I have prepared, and I hope it might open your eyes and benefits us to search for the Truth. I pray for each of us reading it so that God will work in us, and May we see and taste the TRUTH.

TRUTH or lies?

So now after you read the presentation above, what can we learn?
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, what does it mean to take the WORD of God as our TRUTH?
I would suggest for you to look on the "Importance of TRUTH" on the slide and see if those 3 points is reflected on your life or not? If not, probably you don't take (or still struggling with) the WORD of God as your absolute TRUTH - maybe it is something else...

Soli Deo Gloria,


Next, Please also read: How to Obtain the TRUTH?
