Here in Genesis 25-27, we will learn that we must accomplish God’s will, God’s way. Make no mistake, God is going to work out His will, in His way, and in His time, but we must wait upon Him to accomplish it. We are told about the similar story that Rebekah was barren (similar to Sarah). God’s will that the chosen line was through Abraham then Isaac then Jacob, but it will have to go through this barrenness that Isaac and Rebekah had to faced (God's way). Even God had promised to bless them, it does not mean they didn't face any struggle. Isaac then prayed for Rebekah and God answered him. It was God's will, and God's way.
Similar lesson is what we find in the next chapter, where there was famine in the land (the land that God promised to Abraham and his descendants). We see here, it was the land that God promised, but yet God gave this struggle to Isaac. But this time, God warned Isaac to not go to Egypt instead he should dwell in the land which God will tell. Later we found out that Isaac sowed in that land and became so rich, even to the point that God’s blessing to Isaac became a testimony that Abimelech became the witness and testify God’s providence to Isaac. Again, this was God’s will and God’s way
There are many things that as human we don’t understand of how God works, but God works in a way to bring glory to His name first of all - and in doing that He also brought His people towards Him, meaning that His people will receive benefits in enjoying an intimate relationship with Him.
Then, we saw God answered Isaac's prayer by revealing His will that there will be 2 nations from Rebekah' womb - and the older will serve the younger. Knowing this, Isaac and Rebekah showed favoritism towards their children: Isaac loved Esau and Rebekah loved Jacob. Even to the point that when Isaac was old (chapter 27), he decided to bless Esau (not Jacob) before he died. This was Isaac’s will which was different to God’s will. Rebekah overheard the conversation, and ask Jacob to deceive his father (Isaac).
Gen 27:13 mentioned that “His mother said to him, “Let your curse be on me, my son; only obey my voice, and go, bring them to me.”” They know it was a wrong way to do that, and yet God permitted that to happen. Often in our lives, God also permits sin to rules. The cross is another reality that God permitted satan to temporarily strike the Son of God on the cross. But then, the end did not justify the means. We see later that this action actually creates more problem within their family, that Jacob has to run away from home, which means Rebekah had to lose her son and it will be the last time she gonna see Jacob. Not just that, but there was a broken relationship between Esau and Jacob. On the other side we see here that God’s will is realised even though Isaac chose the otherwise. Man may choose what he wants, but in the end God’s purpose will prevail.
“Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21
“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9
We then find a verse like Romans 9:13 that said “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated" which some might ask why would God hate Esau instead of Jacob which was a deceiver in this case. Yes indeed Jacob is wrong, no mistake on that, but we should not forget that Esau was also a sinner. Genesis 25:34 states what happen after Esau chose to have the food more than his birthright - “...Thus Esau despised his birthright”. The word despised there was a strong word. Esau thinks his birthright as nothing, in fact the new testament in Hebrew 12:16 mentioned Esau as godless or unholy because he sold his birthright for a single meal. You know what does it mean by selling his birthright that Esau had? It meant that he did not care of God’s covenant and blessing that was given to Abraham and his descendants. Esau despised that. If he highly regards that privilege, he won’t do that. From here, we see that Esau has tendency to live in flesh.
I am not saying that Esau is worse than Jacob, the point here is that both has sin and done mistakes in life, and so the proper question is not why God hated Esau, buy instead why God loved Jacob? Because if God hated sinners (people who reject and against Him) that makes sense, but if God loved the one who sin against Him that just out of our mind.. and that can only be answered with the word "Grace". His love for undeserved like Jacob and us.. Again, God's will and God's way.
So Praise Him for His love for us sinners that He chose to gave His own life for us so that we may live and have eternal life, so that we may be able to enjoy Him with the everlasting relationship on the future city that He will provide us. For now, let us love His way by obeying Him. Don't be surprise when He works in a way that's different from our way but instead pray for guidance.
Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
To God be the glory,